I wasn't sure what I was going to attend recently but I was happy that I could spend a little time with Danny. When I arrived (thankfully on time) that is when I realized this was not an ordinary event. The parking lot was nearly full and it was a huge parking lot at the Ascent Community Church off McCaslin next to Safeway.
I was invited to the 21st annual Dream Maker Luncheon by my friend, neighbor, colleague, local real estate professional, table sponsor and board member Danny Manazanares. How is that for an introduction?
I try to blog about local things and how much more local can we get when over a thousand local people show up to support such a great cause? I enjoyed hearing from donors, volunteers, those currently in the program, a few college students benefiting from the program and a few "Dreamers" that have completed college and are in the workplace. Another enjoyable moment was to hear from young kids in the program telling the crowd about their future career goals. At my table we had one of the "Dreamers" and he told us about his goals, passion for baseball and the other guests shared other enjoyable conversation. A wonderful lunch like this gives me faith that the art of face to face communication is not lost.
Dream Makers Vision: "Our Dream is a world where every child has equal access to the educational and career that will ignite their innate potential." I know there was much more money raised today but it was acknowledged that 60 children became "Dreamers" through donations. To sponsor a child that is qualified and waiting to become a "Dreamer" one commits to an annual commitment of $3,000 for ten years. That is an amazing donation if you ask me and I was floored to see such generosity. I am not really qualified to write in great detail about all the benefits so please go to this link and read more about it: IHAVEADREAMBOULDER.ORG
When I left I stopped and talked to a few event personnel and was given a great link for those interested in volunteering. Here is a criteria listed on the flyer:
1. Fill out a volunteer application: http://www.ihadboulder.org/index.php/volunteer/application
2. Come in for a mentor interview, which takes about 1.5 hours
3. Attend a 3 hour mentor training
4. Visit the program site to interact with potential mentee matches
5. Sign the mentor/Dreamer Scholar/parent agreement (this marks the first official day of the one-year commitment.)
Good luck to all you "Dreamers" out there, stay the course and Godspeed.